Takeaways – Life. Lessons. Learned.

Curt Anderson is a CPA by trade, but a serial entrepreneur by spirit. He co-founded his accounting firm, Fair Anderson Langerman, in 1988 and he co-founded my company MDL Group in 1989. On this episode he mentioned that he has been involved with 23 partnerships over his 40 + year career. 

Originally from South Bend Indiana, Curt of course graduated from Notre Dame with his BA in Business Administration with an accounting emphasis. From there he accepted an opportunity to move to Southern California as a young partner of a national accounting firm. Curt calls himself “lucky” to have this experience at such a young age. And as the conversation continued, perhaps the luckiest thing that ever happened to Curt was meeting his wife Sue on a blind date while they were in college.

Make Your Life Decision Based on What You Want, Not How Much Money You Want

Curt is someone who likes to help people figure out what they want to do and how to get there. He is classically trained as a CPA, but in reality, he was never built to be just an accountant. His approach with clients has been unorthodox in that sense. Rather than focusing on finances he starts with getting clients to describe the kind of life they want to live and what they want to accomplish. Then he helps them achieve those things through their finances.

Key Takeaway: Embrace Change

Curt has been blessed with opportunities. He explains it as simply being in the right place at the right time. However, he was ready for the opportunities and smart enough to take the risks. 

When his CPA firm was expanding to California, he accepted a promotion to partner and relocation to Los Angeles. His wife was eight months pregnant and his daughter was born shortly after the move. After 13 years as a partner and board member of a national accounting firm, Curt sensed a change was necessary again. This time Sue was pregnant with their second child. 

Still, Curt followed an opportunity to partner with clients to start a development company in Las Vegas. Listen to the episode to hear the rest of the story! Suffice to say that after 50 years, Curt has learned to ask “why not” when it comes to change. 

Out of all his successes, the number one thing Curt says he got right was marrying the right woman for him. With every major step he’s taken in his lengthy and successful career, she’s been by his side to embrace change with him through thick and thin.

Takeaways From This Episode

  • Partnerships are doomed to failure, so plan accordingly. 
  • Ideas don’t work if the people aren’t the right people. 
  • Listings are not opportunities, they are responsibilities. 
  • The rule of three 8’s – an accountant’s explanation of how to get balance in life.

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