Well, hello!!
Welcome to hayim.com! This is the online home where you can learn more about what I do professionally, who I am personally, and connect with me across all platforms.
This home page was created as a helpful place for new visitors to discover what you will find throughout this website and how to navigate. The next step is to read the section below that says “New here?”

New here? This is where to start.
My name is Hayim Mizrachi. I am a business owner (MDL Group), family man and immensely proud Las Vegas Native.
You can learn more about me Personally by clicking here and Professionally by clicking here.
I am the host of the podcast Takeaways – Life Lessons Learned and I also publish the Takeaways blog.
You can subscribe to my podcast on Apple Podcasts, SoundCloud, Spotify, YouTube or your preferred platform for listening to podcasts.
If you’re interested, I invite you to subscribe to my personal email list by clicking here. You will only receive an email from me when I release a new podcast episode and when I write and publish something that I am moved to share. No spam. No selling.
Please enjoy!